NC Entertainment


Events, Shows, Weddings, Community Events, Formals, Anniversaries, Funerals, Fundraisers, Parties and more.

DJ's, MC, Photo Booths, 
Photographer, Stage Lighting,
Audio Mixing, Lighting, 
Snow machine, Bubble Machine
Dancing on the Clouds,
Event Sparklers, 
Vertical Fog Machine

From $495 for the event (DJ)

NC Entertainment Services Australia, established in 1989, is the epitome of unparalleled event and wedding experiences. From dynamic lighting to captivating photo booths and bespoke DJ sets, they encompass a comprehensive range of services. With their dedication to excellence, they surpass world-class standards, elevating each moment into an extraordinary affair.
NC Entertainment Services Australia doesn't measure time but rather offers exceptional value, ensuring tailored experiences for every client. Their unparalleled commitment to bringing visions to life sets them apart, making them an unrivaled choice for creating unforgettable celebrations. 


Ph 02 4455 6505 
Ph / Text 0425 201 610

Some of our Location we have worked in the past

Milton Public School, Batemans Bay Soldiers Club, Ulladulla Public School, Club Catalina, Ulladulla Civic Centre, Dunn Lewis Centre, Disney Studios Australia, Manyana Public Hall, Chateau Morrow Burrill Lake, Hilltop Mollymook Golf Club, The Woods Farm, SeaChange Parks Lake Conjola, Mollymook Beach Bowling & Recreation Club, Bawley Vale Estate, Mollymook Golf Club, The Marlin Hotel, The Cove, Club Malua, Mollymook Surf Life Saving Club, Narooma Golf Club, Murramarang Beachfront Holiday Resort, The Acre Boomerang Farm, Hong Kong International Airport, Hotel Tropika Davao, Gold Coast, Kings Cross, Sydney's Darling Harbour

Shoalhaven City Council preferred supplier


 © Copyrights 2025 NC
NC Entertainment Services is an affiliation of NC .

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#DJ #Events #Music #Parties #Nightlife #Dance #Clubbing #EDM (Electronic Dance Music) #Liveperformances #DJsets #Raves #Festivals #Concerts #Venue #Tickets #Lineup #Dancefloor #Mixes #Remixes #GuestDJs #Movies #Music #Television #Celebrities #Reviews #Interviews #Trailers #Games #Concerts #Events #Popculture #Streaming #Awards #Gossip #Fantheories #Behindthescenes #Redcarpet #Boxoffice #Trends #Recommendations #Wedding #Marriage #Bride #Groom #Ceremony #Receptionv#Venue #Bridalparty #Weddingplanning #Weddingdress #Tuxedo #Rings #Invitations #Flowers #Photography #Videography #Catering #Cake #Honeymoon #Registry #EntertainmentAustralia #EventplanningAustralia #TalentmanagementAustralia #MusicagencyAustralia #ArtistrepresentationAustralia #CorporateentertainmentAustralia #EventproductionAustralia #TalentbookingAustralia #CelebritymanagementAustralia #LiveentertainmentAustralia #PerformanceagencyAustralia #ProductioncompanyAustralia #EventcoordinationAustralia #ArtistmanagementAustralia #EntertainmentindustryAustralia #DJ services #ProfessionalDJ #WeddingDJ #EventDJ #PartyDJ #ClubDJ #MobileDJ #ExperiencedDJ #Musicentertainment #DJbookings #DJforhire #DJmixes #Dancefloorvibes #Turntablespecialist #DJequipment #Playlistcuration #Crowdengagement #Beatmatching #Remixesandmashups #Toptracksselection #Photoboothrental #Eventphotobooth #Partyphotobooth #Weddingphotobooth #Corporateeventphotobooth #Portablephotobooth #Customisablephotobooth #Socialmediaphotobooth #Interactivephotobooth #Openairphotobooth #Greenscreenphotobooth #Photoboothprops #Photoboothbackdrop #Photoboothattendant #Instantprintsphotobooth #Digitalphotobooth #Photoboothexperiences #Photoboothpackages #Photoboothbranding #Photoboothfun #Cloudsforweddingdances #Specialeffectsforweddings #Weddingcloudmachine #Dancefloorfogeffect #Low-lyingfogforevents #Magicalclouddance #Cloudsforfirstdance #Weddingfogmachine #Atmosphericeffectsforevents #Cloudsonthedancefloor #Etherealdanceexperience #Dreamyweddingatmosphere #Fogmachinerentalforweddings #Enchantingweddingcloudeffect #Romanticdancefloorclouds #Clouddanceexperience #Cloudeffectlightingforevents #Coldsparkmachines #Sparkulareffects #Indoorsparklerfountain #Sparkularfountainrental #Coldfireworks #Coldsparklermachines #Sparkulardisplays #Sparkularshow #Sparkulareffectsforevents #Coldsparktechnology #Specialeffectsforevents #Indoorfireworks #Sparkfountainforweddings #Sparkularfountainforparties #Sparkularfountainforconcerts #Sparkularfountainforfestivals #Coldsparkfountainrental #Sparkularfountainsafety #Coldsparkfountainforstageshows #Sparkularfountainforcorporateevents #SouthCoastNSW #VisitSouthCoast #SouthCoastAustralia #NSWSouthCoast #BeachLife #CoastalLiving #ExploreNSW #NatureLovers #OceanViews #SurfingLife #SeasideEscape #CoastalBeauty #BeachParadise #SouthernNSW #TravelAustralia #DiscoverNSW #SunsetMagic #AdventureTime #HolidayVibes #LocalGem #Milton #Mollymook #Ulladulla #BurrillLake #2538 #LittleForest #Woodstock #Woodburn #Morton #Brooman #2539 #BawleyPoint #Bendalong #BerringerLake #Cockwhy #Conjola #ConjolaPark #Croobyar #CunjurongPoint #DolphinPoint #FishermansParadise #KingsPoint #Kioloa #LakeConjola #LakeLabourie #Manyana #Mollymook #MollymookBeach #MountKingiman #Narrawallee #PointerMountain #PrettyBeach #Termel #Yadboro #YatteYattah #2536 #Batehaven #BatemansBay #Benandarah #Binbimbie #Buckenbowra #Catalina #Currowan #DenhamsBeach #DepotBeach #DurrasNorth #EastLynne #GuerillaBay #Jeremadra #LilliPilli #LongBeach #MaloneysBeach #MaluaBay #Mogo #Nelligen #NorthBatemansBay #PebblyBeach #Rosedale #Runnyford #SouthDurras #SunshineBay #SurfBeach #Surfside #Woodlands #2540 #NSW #Bamarang #Barringella #Basin View #BeecroftPeninsula #Berrara #Bewong #Bolong #Boolijah #BreamBeach #BrownMountain #Brundee #Buangla #Burrier #CallalaBay #CallalaBeach #Cambewarra #CambewarraVillage #Comberton #Cudmirrah #CulburraBeach #Currarong #ErowalBay #Ettrena #FallsCreek #GreenwellPoint #HMASAlbatross #HMASCreswell #Huskisson #HyamsBeach #Illaroo #Jerrawangala #JervisBay #Kinghorne #Longreach #Mayfield #MerooMeadow #Mondayong #Moollattoo #Mundamia #Myola #NowraHill #NowraNavalPO #Numbaa #Old Erowal Bay #OrientPoint #Parma #Pyree #SancturyPoint #StGeorgesBasin #SussexInlet #Swanhaven #Tallowal #Tapitallee #Terara #Tomerong #Tullarwalla #TwelveMilePeg #Vincentia #Wandandian #Watersleigh #Wollumboola #Woollamia #Worrigee #WorrowingHeighs #WrightsBeach #Yalwal #Yerriyong #Bangalee #Angalee #Bomaderry #NorthNowra #Nowra #NowraDC #NowraEast #NowraNorth #SouthNowra #WestNowra #everyone

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